Scheduling, Club and Team Registration are now active
The first step is to register your club. Shortly after doing so, you will receive an email activating you as an admin for the club and be able to begin registering teams. Please be aware that these is a manual approval on my end for this to happen so depending on time of day there may be a short delay.
Once you are approved you will be able to register your teams and add more administrative contacts for your club.
After your teams are registered, you will be able to schedule games with other teams that are registered. If you have pre-arranged games you will be able to add them. You will also be able to schedule games against the place holder clubs "Need Home Game" and "Need Away Game" which will show you who else is looking.
If you have any questions reach out to oregonyouthlacrosse.president@gmail.com but I do ask that you PLEASE watch these videos before you reach out.
How to register clubs and teams
Thank you for your support and again please don't hesitate to reach out!